Past Event - 24th June 2020
COVID-19: Global implications for retirement benefits
Experts from MBWL International discussed the impact COVID-19 has had on occupational defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans around the world. We focussed on new regulations and easements in response to financial pressures many employers and employees face, regulatory guidance, market volatility, and communication with plan members.

You can now view our webinar for a closer look at developments in the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, as well as key areas for employers to focus on over the coming 12 to 18 months.
- Isabel Coles (Chair) – Head of International Consulting, MBWL International
- Charles Clark – Director, Employee Benefits Research Group, Milliman, US
- Simon Taylor – Partner, Barnett Waddingham, UK
- Ernst van Bruggen – Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Netherlands