Independent. Global. Experts.
We offer innovative, strategic retirement and benefits consulting for multinationals of all sizes, everywhere they do business.
WHY MBWLWhat’s on our mind
Ready for an expert opinion? We are flexible, collaborative and unafraid to share what we think.
What we offer
Around the globe, our experts tailor our solutions to the precise needs of multinational professionals in finance, M&A and HR.
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Our experts can be found at events around the world and online doing what they do best: sharing, gathering and refining the insights that make them the best at what they do.
Global Pension Risk Transfers
Join our experts for a discussion of the latest insights and developments in the pension risk transfer markets of the UK, US, Canada and Germany, and key considerations when setting or reviewing your global pension risk transfer strategy.
This session will help you understand the key features of the pension risk transfer market in each country, including:
- What is possible – types of transactions and what risks can / cannot be transferred
- The providers active in the market and latest developments
- Pricing considerations
- Key factors to be aware of when considering a pension risk transfer